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BLOGS 2024

July 25th, 2024
Taking Stock...
After a long, nail-biting wait, we've taken delivery of the album stock!  It's looking really great - we're so pleased with how it's turned out.  Now for the agonising wait until September when it's released - but it's a huge relief to have the physical objects here in the real world!

June 24th, 2024
Make it so, Number One
'A Strange Inheritance' is now
available for pre-order!
Prog magazine officially announced the release date - September 16th 2024, so there'll be plenty of time to check out the upcoming promo videos and teasers until then.
My heartfelt thanks to all who place pre-orders in the meantime - your trust and support are appreciated more than mere words can convey!

In the meantime, here's a mini-teaser video to whet your appetite...  

June 14th, 2024
Nearly There...
The machinery has been put into action - presses are pressing, printers are printing, and in a couple of weeks' time I will have the finished CDs of 'A Strange Inheritance' in my hands! Which means that very soon I'll be able to make the album available for pre-orders. Once that happens I'll announce a release date, and post a teaser video on YouTube (with more videos to follow). So pop back here for updates, or keep checking my
Facebook page for the Big Announcement!


May 6th, 2024
It's a wrap!
To quote Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada - "we're done here!"
'A Strange Inheritance' is mixed, mastered and in the can, ready for the next stage. As anyone who self-releases albums will attest, the work doesn't stop here... There's artwork to finalise, manufacturing to organise, and a whole host of admin tasks to put into action. I'm really proud of this album, and look forward to its release which, given a fair wind, should be during this summer.
I'll be posting news on my 
Facebook page about the release date and availability of pre-orders, as and when those dates can be confirmed.
Ship ahoy!

'A Strange Inheritance' artwork 

April 25th, 2024
Final day of recording
Today was a big day - the final day of recording! The alarm was set for 7.30AM (normally viewed as the crack of dawn for me) to ensure everything is set up and running as it should. At precisely 9.10 the phone rings. It's Ginger Bennett - "I'm standing outside your house - have I got the right one?" Fortunately, she has. After coffee and much banter, we get down to work. The track is 'The Island', a rocking fusion of brass, percussion and exhilarating vocals. No Mellotron on this one, sorry!

 Nick & Ginger
Ginger more than lives up to her name with a spicy performance. Next stop, mixing - and the album is done!

April 21st, 2024
Getting close now...
n the final stretch now - just one more vocal to record on the 25th! Looking forward to working with Ginger Bennett for this one - a track called 'The Island'. I've already recorded sterling vocal performances from  Tony Patterson, Louise Young and Andy Neve - and even stuck my own neck above the parapet to sing on three tracks.
Also guesting are Unitopia's John Greenwood on guitars, and a certain Mr. Stephen J Hackett - but not in the role usually expected!  
Once that last vocal is captured, it's all down to checking the final mixes, mastering and sending off to the makers of shiny discs. We like the shiny discs - and so should everyone.

February 4th, 2024
A new album is on the way!
Hoist the flags, sound the trumpets and have a slice of cake - he's actually updated the Blogs page!! See, it was worth checking back here - and you thought you'd find nothing new...

Well, it's true - a new album is nearing completion.  A few final elements are yet to be added, and I'm hoping it will be ready to unleash before the summer.  It's a stirring tale of love, loss and revenge set in the 18th century, with a few surprises on the way.  So dust off your tricorn and get ready to travel to the New World...










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